2024 Dr EE Zhang’s 1st Webinar Talk – Prediabetes

From Bella Magazine September 2023

PreDiabetes is the first topic zoomed in by Dr. EE for the year 2024.

It is good to know more about this topic because Singapore has the second highest proportion of Diabetics in developed nations, after the U.S.A 🙁

Prediabetes damages the heart, blood vessels, eyes and kidneys. The disease lowers our immunity and increases the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Prediabetes can be asymptomatic as mentioned in her webinar, so it is good to know what may contribute to a higher risk of the disease. She cited a few, including being overweight, obesity, and a family history of diabetes. The good news is, prediabetes is reversible! However, if this period is not addressed and the condition prolongs, one risks getting Type 2 Diabetes – a disease that no one will want to have a fling with in their life.

Life quality will be affected. You can get tired easily as the body has issues converting the glucose to energy; one can succumb to diseases such as kidney failure, blindness, depression, blood vessel damage, and nerve damage that can lead to amputation.

Prevention is always better than cure. There is no magical pill by the doctors for the cure. We have to depend on ourselves. The following tips are by Dr EE on reversing prediabetes. A reversal can take from weeks to months, depending on one’s determination!

Lifestyle Changes That Can Reverse Prediabetes:

  1. Exercise Regularly.
    Exercise increases insulin sensitivity and helps muscles to use blood sugar for movement, which leads to lower blood sugar levels.
  2. Consume Plain Green Tea.
    Chronic inflammation can lead to diabetes. For instance, inflammation can impair the functions of beta cells that produce insulin; inflammation can also disrupt the cells’ signal pathways and promote insulin resistance, plaque formation in the arteries.
    Green tea contains catechins which can reduce inflammation.
  3. Eat Breakfast before 8.30am.
    Blood sugar is naturally higher in the mornings to provide us the fuel and get us moving! Eating breakfast stimulates insulin production, allowing our body cells to take up the glucose in the bloodstream. Eating early in the day reduces insulin resistance and lowers blood sugar levels.
  4. Stay Hydrated.
    Water helps the kidneys flush out excess sugar through the urine. Studies show people who drank more water had a lower risk of developing high blood sugar levels. If you are not drinking enough water, the body’s natural response is to hold the water, including holding on to the sugar.
  5. Eat More Fiber
    Fiber slows down the digestion of carbohydrates and delays its absorption into the blood. Fiber promotes a more gradual rise in blood sugar levels.
  6. Get Enough Sleep
    Lack of sleep affects glucose metabolism which can lead to insulin resistance.
  7. Eat Healthy Snacks More Frequently
    Eating smaller portions makes it easier for the body to manage, leading to a more stable blood sugar level. It provides the body with a consistent energy supply.
  8. Maintain A Healthy Weight
    Excess fats in the body cause inflammation, especially abdominal fats, and fats around the organs. These can affect many functions in the body. For example, fat accumulation around the pancreas can impair pancreatic function and affect insulin production and regulation. Once these fats (weight) are reduced, insulin sensitivity will be improved!

I am happy that E.Excel Triflora Tea has been my staple drink. With Triflora, I can ensure I have ample fluid intake. Somehow with just plain water, my fluid intake tends to be low :_) With its natural ability to reduce inflammation and high antioxidant levels, this is the tea which I definitely will not want to miss.

(Ingredients: Green tea leaves, jasmine flower, ginseng, chrysanthemum flower)
Nice drink to rejuvenate your mind and de-stress


The best book to the human immune system!

Just this month, July 2023, Dr EE Zhang released her first book titled Educate, Act, Thrive.

Dr. EE a gifted student graduated from the University of Glasgow School of Medicine with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) degree. She completed her medical training and obtained her medical license at just 23 years of age! She has worked at the prestigious Queen’s Hospital in London and National University Hospital in Singapore.

This release of the book is a must-read to get a good understanding of how the human immune system works and how one can prevent diseases through this understanding.

This book is content-rich! It is available in English and Simplified Chinese at S$14.04 per book. It can be purchased from The Zall Bookstore located in Wheelock Place, second level, effective 5 Aug 23. E-books/ Audiobooks will be launching soon too. If you are unable to get down to the Zall Bookstore, you can also get the book from me and this includes free delivery 😉

Have a sneak preview of the book! ☺️💯👍


就在本月,2023 年 7 月,EE博士发布了她的第一本书,题为《教育、行动、茁壮》。

EE博士是一位天才学生,毕业于格拉斯哥大学医学院,获得医学学士学位和外科学士学位(MBChB)。 她年仅23岁就完成了医学培训并获得了行医执照! 她曾在著名的伦敦女王医院和新加坡国立大学医院工作。

为了更好地了解人体免疫系统的工作原理以及如何通过这种理解来预防疾病,这本书是一本必读的书。此书内容丰富! 该书有英文版和简体中文版,每本书售价 14.04 新元。 这本好书可在误解了位于会德丰广场(Orchard Road Wheelock Place) 二楼的 The Zall 书店购买,8 月 5 日起。电子书/有声读物也将很快推出。 如果您无法前往卓尔书店,您也可以从我这里获取这本书,免费送货 😉
